Pre-8th Grade Religious Education

The Director of Religious Education oversees Catholic Religious Education for children from Pre-school (age 3) through eighth grade. Families with children of catechetical age have options for classes that run from September through May. Other formation opportunities include yearly Vacation Bible School, seasonal children's programs and Children's Liturgy of the Word. 

Families who would like their child to receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist must participate in the preparation program. Parent meetings, special lessons done at home and retreat days are mandatory in the preparation process. One prior year of formation is required before the sacramental preparation year.


Pre-School: 3k &4K During Mass

Finding God: Family Catechesis Grades K-8

Catholic Formation is rebooting and updating! This coming year we will be using materials from Loyola press. They have been used here before, but they will be used uniquely to form a Focus for each month.( https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/lpress-craft-flippingbooks/CATALOGS/Finding-God-Family-Catechesis/index.html ) Grades K-8 will be using the materials to understand each Catholic Focus. The Focus of the month will start with a family session where families and students will come together to pray and learn. Parents will have time to enrich and deepen their faith regarding with time of conversation while students are in their classrooms learning and creating! The next three weeks parents will be able to use the online materials and other materials provided to focus on the Catholic learning of that month. During the weeks of home learning there will be opportunities of activities after the Sunday Mass.


Here is some website information to check out:




What you will be given:

Parent information

Student books/ both printed and digitally

Activities and assessments


For more information, please contact the parish office.