Prayer & Worship Commission

Serving on the Prayer & Worship Commission is for those who want to nourish and give direction to the liturgical aspects of parish life. Prayer & Worship team members help to provide an environment that deepens the faith of those in attendance. There are many opportunities for serving in liturgical ministries:

  • Altar Servers assist in serving during the Mass. This ministry is open to children in 4th grade or higher, adults and families.
  • Church Environment Team decorates the worship space and church facility for the various liturgical seasons, in an effort to create a prayerful and beautiful worship space. Seasonal help is also needed.
  • Eucharistic Ministers distribute Holy Communion or wine at the weekend and Holy Day Masses.
  • Home Eucharistic Ministers take Holy Communion to parishioners who are homebound and extend the prayers of the entire faith community to these special parishioners.
  • Lectors proclaim the scripture at weekend and Holy Day Masses.
  • Sacristans prepare the altar for weekend and Holy Day Masses and care for the sacred vessels after Mass.
  • Altar Linen Launderer: This at-home ministry cares for the sacred Altar Cloths, by laundering and ironing the altar linens on a rotating basis.
  • Ushers welcome parishioners and visitors to our church. They assist in seating people, gathering the offertory, distributing the bulletin and dealing with unexpected situations.

Training is provided for all the above ministries. If interested, please call the parish office.


Music Ministries

Parishioners are invited to become part of our vibrant Music Ministry here at St. Paul. Under the direction of our Director of Music, the following opportunities are available:

  • Adult Choir - Open to all who are high school age and up - Often sings on Sunday at the 10:00 a.m. Mass
  • Funeral Choir
  • Youth Choir
  • Instrumental Ensemble - Intermediate level required
  • Hand Bell Choir
  • Cantor Ministry - Audition required